Each journey is always a small challenge, no matter whether it is a business trip or a leisure activity. Many nuances need to be planned in advance. The main ones are booking a hotel room and, of course, renting a car. And if the first option can be advised by travel agencies or you may find something in multiple recommendations on the Internet, the second one needs your special attention. Fortunately, there is a company Pugachev, which specializes in car rental in Pompano Beach Florida.
Pompano Beach
This city got its name after the fish that lived here in abundance by the coast – Pompano. It is one of the most interesting places in the state. Pompano Beach is located in the north-eastern part of the district. The area of the town is 65.8 km². The official date of the settlement foundation is 1898. In 1899, the first school was opened in the village which consisted of a single class. In 1900 the first department store was opened. On July 3, 1908, the settlement got the status of “town”.
Some interesting facts
In 1928 the first high school was opened in Pompano — Pompano Beach High School. With the outbreak of World War II, Pompano, like most coastal cities in Florida, became a military camp. A military airfield (now civilian) was built just northeast of the city. At that time, a regime of light camouflage was declared along the coast at night, and many citizens were enrolled in volunteer troops that followed the emergence of enemy submarines and planes. In 1947 the town merged with the nearby coastal settlements and on June 6 of the same year, it received a new status – “city” and a new name – Pompano Beach. In 1948 the town got its own Chamber of Commerce. In the 1960s, due to the influx of new settlers, the city’s agricultural land was gradually transferred to builders for the construction of houses and arrangement of golf courses.
In the 2000s, census-designated places of Collier-Manor became part of the city, namely:
- Cresthaven
- Liegeerville
- Kendall Green
- Pompano Beach Highlands.
In 2012, work began on the rehabilitation and restoration of the historic districts of the city.
The history of the renowned brands
There are many different auto manufacturers and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. However, there is only one feature that makes this or that brand unique. It is its history. This can be seen by means of the example of one of the world-famous concerns such as Ford Motors.
Ford Motors
At the beginning of the 21 century famous all over the world company Ford celebrated its 100th anniversary. This company is one of the largest carmakers in the globe, being the leader in this industry.
Everything started with young Henry Ford’s hobby — technology. From a young age, he was passionate about various mechanisms that fell into his hands and soon began to understand them so well that the neighbors often asked a very young boy to fix, for example, the clock. At the age of 16, with only 8 grades of school, he left his parent’s farm in Detroit. His first real job was to repair steam engines and install them.
After learning their design, he switched to studying internal combustion engines, and in 1893 was able to make his first single-cylinder engine, and in 1896 his first car. After that, he decided to start racing, while trying to found his own car company, and it became the choice of this way of life.
He quickly became known as a skillful pilot, but the company he managed to start only in 1903, persuading several rich people to finance the production. June became the beginning of a long and successful life of the company “Ford Motor”. The first car to be produced was called the Ford A.
Production unification
Two years later the firm was split and the main investor, Alexander Malcolmson, left the firm after selling his share to Ford. He did not like the engineer’s idea of creating cheap cars that would be available to everyone, and he could not understand his ideas. At that time cars were assembled manually and every car took very much time. However, Henry Ford found a way to make production faster and cheaper many times. The first step in that direction was unification. In 1907, the company produced 4 different car models. A year later, the “T” model was developed, and it was decided to abandon all other models.
Ford understood a few basic nuances:
- any car body can be installed on the same chassis.
- unification makes production easier, as workers now have to deal with familiar designs.
In 1913 “Ford” introduced an assembly line that became a revolution not only in the automotive field but also in the entire industry.
The era of affordable cars
The entire production process of the car was divided into parts, and each employee performed only a small part of the work, which was soon worked out to perfection. In addition to improving product quality, it also reduced the cost of cars, and in 1924 the cost of the cheapest car did not exceed three months of earnings of an ordinary worker.
And in 1932 “Ford” produced one-third of the world’s cars annually. However, after that the other automakers began to adopt the experience of the company, introducing the assembly lines, and by 1940 it had only a 20% share of the American market. However, the end buyers of cars only benefited from this.
Ford Mustang
Ford Mustang is one of the most famous models of this car-maker. The car with a brutal profile and a powerful engine became the symbol of the Muscle car, and only in 1979, the company made a mistake, producing under this name a modest and economical modification equipped with an 86-horsepower engine.
Changing the concept
That was the time of the world oil crisis when there were queues of cars with empty tanks lined up at gas stations, but fans of “Mustang” did not forgive the company such humiliation, and turned away from them for a long time, calling the new model “pony car”. Realizing its mistake, Ford made a new version of the model, returning to the old concept, and Mustang is kept being produced today, dating back to 1964. You can find a Ford Mustang GT 2019 in our fleet.
Photo shooting with luxurious auto
You don’t need any studios or decorations. Any vehicle is the guarantee of cool pictures!!! Besides, you can drive the car, making a gorgeous background arriving at any beautiful place!
There are several main locations to make your photos adorable by both internet-users and people in real life:
- forest
- lake
- empty highway
- field
- village road
- the center of the megapolis.
The pictures with a car look cool for men, girls, children and of course, a love story. The subject is very wide. For example, for girls, the car is a vivid way to show their sexuality. It’s also an excellent way to show your femininity! For men, it is a great opportunity to demonstrate their strong qualities, which will be enhanced by the car.
There are three main male images:
- classical
- sport
- romantic.
In general, the car is a fantastic decoration for any ideas. There are some tips and ideas which you can use in a photoshoot with a car.
Posture choice
You must be a master while taking photos with a car. It must be shown in powerful positions. In the pictures next to the car, it is best to stand confidently, distributing the body weight evenly on both legs. Pictures of you leaning on the car or standing slightly leaning against it look beautiful.
It’s usually highlighted 4 main positions:
- Leaning against the car (Do 4 frames, front fender, rear fender, on the hood, on the trunk)
- Frame with an open door
- In the car
- Next to the car.
You can put your hands in your pockets. It looks beautiful if you cling to the pockets with your thumbs. You can take off your jacket and throw it behind your back. Accessories look very stylish. Expensive watches, cufflinks, firearms, cigars. If there is something from the list – be sure to take a photo shoot and get just amazing shots! And there are shoes in this image! Your shoes should be flawlessly clean, flawlessly stylish, and go with the suit. In addition to the posture, you should also define the image.
Classical image
This image fully corresponds to high-class cars, expensive sports cars, and large jeeps. You need a stylish classical suit and a contrasting shirt. You must choose a background! It should be a metropolis, or an office center or city! You need a background of concrete, asphalt, glass, and metal, in general, you need hard urban lines and everything connected with progress. For instance, such vehicles as BMW M3 2020 or Mercedes S63 Coupe Edition 1 will perfectly suit you.
It can be parked next to the mall or supermarket. Parking at the business center, big parking garages just look great, especially multi-story. The stadium is also a great place to be because you get fantastic pictures near it. The main thing is no nature, just business, and modern technology.
Sport image
Any car would fit this image. The more interesting and unusual the car is, the cooler the photos are. The sports style will perfectly suit any man. Jeans and a shirt are worn over them. Light pants. Sports clothes of any cut, in which you feel comfortable.
The background can be different, but it can make an unforgettable picture! If we want to emphasize our focus and style, let the background again be something urban and brutal. If we want to emphasize the inherent hooliganism — it is better to choose the endless expanses, forests, fields, and rivers that go into the horizon of the road.
Romantic image
What is there in this image? First of all, any combination of styles: classical jacket with jeans, a leather jacket or a coat, a sweater or a soft flannel shirt, anything you like. Vivid accessories like watches and glasses, chains, or signet rings are always on the plus side. Shoes in which you feel comfortable are the best choice. One of the main components of this image is the details of the shoot. It is a collective image from the classics and sports style. But without the spicy little things, this option will not come!
For an unforgettable picture, you need to think about the background in detail. It should reflect the mood and do the addition to a portrait. Thunderstorm sky is good for us if romance is presented on a minor note. It will look very cool in the background of ruins or tired of life in multi-story buildings. Graffiti walls, old fences, wastelands – all these details will be of great help. Bridges and garages are gorgeous for this kind of shooting. The moon’s a perfect subject! Sunset, sunrise — that’s also a great addition to this shoot.
Rental & retail prices
Our company has a huge fleet, which consists of the most luxurious models in the world from the most famous brands. Among them:
- Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 2019 — is a unique representative of the world-famous brand. This model combines elegant design, high speed, and comfort while driving, which is a rarity in our time. If you want to see it for yourself, Pugachev company offers you this luxury masterpiece for only $400 per day.
- Mercedes Benz G550 2020 — everyone knows that Mercedes is one of the leaders of the automotive industry in the world. Accordingly, the expectations from the vehicles of this brand are initially inflated. Rest assured that this model is the embodiment of all the best you have ever heard of this manufacturer. You can see it for yourself for only $800 a day.
- Rolls Royce Ghost 2018 — is an excellent representative of the famous concern. This auto combines all the advantages of the best models of the brand. At the moment, this masterpiece costs $400,000. However, you can drive this chic automobile only for $800 a day.
- Porsche 911 4S 2018 — is a great choice for those who love speed. The stunning performance of this steel beast allows you to combine speed and comfort to the maximum. The approximate cost at the moment is $170,000.
Due to the Pugachev agency, which provides services on car rental in Pompano Beach Florida, you can choose an automobile of your dreams.